Personal efficiency for the introverted professional

Training dates on request


Workshop for introverted professionals who want to improve their personal effectiveness.

Are you a cautious person, do you dislike being the centre of attention, and do you dread small talk? Are you a great listener, a keen observer and a good analyst? Are you a critical thinker, but do you struggle with directly voicing your opinion? Does developing ideas give you energy? Don’t you mind being alone? Then it’s most likely that you’re an introverted person. About a third to half of all people are introverts.

The qualities of more introverted people are by no means always given their due. In our present Western society, extroverted behaviour seems to be the norm. Above all, we value social, spontaneous and energetic behaviour, and being able to react quickly. At work, introverted people are often told that they are insufficiently visible.


In this training about personal efficiency, people with a more introverted personality will learn, in a way that suits them best, what’s needed to make the most of their qualities and how to be more visible. This starts with becoming aware of their own qualities and pitfalls, and of unspoken expectations and assumptions. The training teaches introverts to constructively participate in consultations, makes them aware of their own needs and teaches them how to make their needs known.

Before the start of the training, participants will receive a preparatory assignment and a questionnaire that reveals at which place they fall along the Introvert – Extrovert spectrum.


• The introvert’s qualities, pitfalls, allergies and challenges.
• Visibility and input in consultations.
• How to better communicate with dominating personalities.
• Working on own cases.


• Participants will become aware of and will have confidence in their own added value.
• Through self-confidence, participants will be better able to engage with extroverted, dominant people.
• Participants will be aware of how they come across to others and will be able to influence this.

Practical Information

• Duration: 1 day: 09.30-17.00 hrs.
• Training dates on request.
• Number of participants: 4-8.
• Costs: € 375,-; (including lunch)
• Trainers: Geraldine Sinnema
• Location: Wageningen.
• Contact: Geraldine Sinnema, tel: +31 (0)6 497 46 071

Feel free to call or mail for more information.


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